Lee Gallaher
--KW Pacific Northwest


Featured Neighborhoods in The Pacific Northwest

Explore through our vast collection of featured neighborhoods. Get a glimpse of which homes are for sale in each neighborhood as well as important information about styles, values, views, amenities, schools, and everything else that is nearby. Feel free to find your neighborhood and leave us a comment about what it is like to live there. If you do not see your neighborhood listed, please let us know! 


Elliot Pointe Neighborhood in Mukilteo WA

Elliot Pointe Neighborhood in Mukilteo WA

The two-story homes you would expect to find for sale in the Elliot Pointe Neighborhood in Mukilteo WA are generally going to range between 2112 and 3708 square feet. Construction of these homes began in 1986 with the last residence completed in 1988. The smaller homes have 3 bedrooms while larger floor plans have a 4 or 5 bedroom layout. Floor plans feature spacious gourmet kitchens, dining rooms, fireplaces, and spacious master bedrooms. Each home has an attached and heated garage with space for two or three vehicles. Most homes have spacious private fenced yards. Prices vary depending upon floor plan, size, view, condition, and upgrades to the homes. Home prices range between $524,000 to $680,000.




Faire Harbour Neighborhood in Mukilteo WA

Faire Harbour Neighborhood in Mukilteo WA

Faire Harbour is a beautiful neighborhood of single family homes that is conveniently located just 0.4 miles to Serene Lake Elementary. The two-story homes you would expect to find for sale in the Faire Harbour Neighborhood in Mukilteo WA are generally going to range between 2334 and 3077 square feet. Construction of these homes began in 1993 with the last residence completed in 1995. The smaller homes have 4 bedrooms while larger floor plans have a 5 bedroom layout. Floor plans feature spacious gourmet kitchens, dining rooms, fireplaces, and spacious master bedrooms. Each home has an attached and heated garage with space for two or three vehicles. Most homes have spacious private fenced yards. Prices vary depending upon floor plan, size, view, condition, and upgrades to the homes. Home prices range between $525,000 to $669,000.




Outlook Ridge in Snohomish WA

Outlook Ridge is a beautiful neighborhood of single family homes that is conveniently located just 5 miles outside of the Mill Creek Town Center. It's not uncommon to see neighborhood kids playing the streets of this quaint little oasis in the suburbs during the summer and sledding down snow covered streets in the winter. It's far enough from the main hustle and bustle of the city that residents don't feel like the urban center of Everett, Mill Creek, Snohomish. Outlook Ridge in Snohomish features 2 playgrounds large enough entertaining a small family or a large group which includes a maintained basketball court alongside a spacious open field.